Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What to name this boy....

Well about 3 years ago we decided that we would name our first boy Cooper. Well not too long after that Brooklynn was born and she was a girl. But we still were set on Cooper. Now that we are acctually having a boy we aren't sure if it is what we still like. I had a list of about 100 names and Ryan has narrowed it down to these 4. He still isn't dead set on any of them. And let me tell you he is quite picky. (I understand though his first boy maybe his only. You never know with me if we can have more or what we will do...) Anyways. I am acctually leaning towards Nolan lately, but we may have to wait to see what he looks like. So answer the poll on which name you like best Cooper, Nolan, Easton, Cameron. Or if you have another suggestion leave me a comment.

Thank you!


BrittneyandDoug said...

I think all four are great! But my vote is 1-Cooper and 2-Nolan...

Nat said...

My two favorite are Cooper and Nolan. In my opinion there are too many Eastons right now. Cameron is good too but the others flow with your last name better. LOL That's just my opinon.

Ally said...

I still love the name Cooper! :) Allyson

Erin Stones said...

My dad's best friend named one of his boys Nolan and he is adorable! I like Nolan because it is different. I agree though that I would either go with Cooper or Nolan!

Lisa D said...

My vote is first Nolan, then Cooper.

Hess Fam said...

cooper or Easton!! Don't you remember Nolan Sims?? I think his last name is Sims!! the jr high mascot!!!!! That is all I will say.

Amy said...

I love love love Cooper but I can't do it with Baker...Cooper Baker too many er's! haha!

the nayz said...

I am definitely loving Cooper.

John & Britta said...

Nolan although my maiden name is a name I also like for a boy if John and I have one.

Lacey said...

I really like Nolan or Easton. Wow he is coming soon. I can' wait!

Kacy said...

I am still rootin' for Easton. Woot! Woot!

Anonymous said...

Danielle - I think you should go with your first choice - Cooper. What a cute name - I love it!

The Bliss Family said...

The pictures of your niece are really cute! I think you are great at taking pictures! About the name thing, I'm partial to the name Nolan...but then, I have a Nolan!! I think he's pretty dang cute too.