Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Job

Intermountain Medical Center

Primary Childrens Medical Center

Ryan has been an RN for 2 1/2 years for IHC and just last October he got a job at the new hospital Intermountain Medical Center as an RN in Shock Trauma ICU. He has really enjoyed it, learning new things, the excitment and the people he worked with. But Ryan has always wanted to work with kids. Ryan just had his last day at IMC and has 2 weeks off but then he starts at Primary Children's Medical Center. He will be working in the pediatric ICU. I think this is a great opportunity for Ry and I think he will do great. I am so excited for Ryan's new adventure with his career. We will for sure enjoy his two weeks off but it will be fun for him to start something new.


Kacy said...

That is awesome. I actually am on the festival of trees comittee and we went up there last week for a tour of the hospital and they gave us lunch and stuff. It was so neat to see all that they do for all those children. That would be such a wonderful/hard place to work. Ryan will do awesome.

Jen said...

That's so cool! I absolutely loved working at primary's and I know Ryan will too. They have the best docs and nurses anywhere and they do so many cute things with the kids up there. Congrats Ryan and good luck!

Jamie said...

Good for you Ryan! Enjoy your time off. Have lots of fun, I'm sure we'll see you at Lagoon again:)

Nat said...

That's great! My niece is in the PICU often, it's nice to know there are great people taking care of her!

Bethany said...

Congrats Ryan!