Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stop being so Lazy...

Since Brooklynn started walking we noticed that she walked kinda funny. As the overprotective mom that I am I talked to her doctor about my concerns and he checked her legs and hips and said it could just be that she is just learning to walk still. So I ignored it for awhile. Well I really started noticing it more when she was 3 and her younger cousins would run around and go up and down stairs with no problem. She can't go up and down stairs with out either holding my hand or holding on to something to steady herself. Even a little bump in the grass or sidewalk she always stops and steps over things. I knew that something was off. Brooklynn also gets really high fevers and so we were sent to a rhuematologist to rule out Rhuematoid Arthritis. (Thankfully, she doesn't have that) Brooklynn started going to Physical Therapy. They found that Brooklynn does have very tight muscles especially on the one leg that she doesn't bare down on. She started doing exercises at home. I still wasn't convinced that tight muscles was her problem. I went to a different Physical Therapist to get another opinion. He agreed with me and wasn't really sure why she does that, but the tight muscle shouldn't affect her as much as it was. I didn't know what to think. Ryan was talking to a girl at his work about it and she told him, same thing happened to her daughter and found out she had lazy eye.

We went in to Brooklynn's doctor and she took the eye test. Her right eye (blue/brown) was perfect got all the pictures correct. They moved on to the left eye and she couldn't tell them anything. Knowing Brooklynn you could tell she wasn't faking it. She kept rubbing her eye and trying to move it to the other eye. So we got reffered to an Opthamologist. Of course it took 2 months to get in, but after a few short tests. They knew that she has a lazy eye. The right eye is perfect 20/20. It now makes so much sense, the perceptions was off and it was hard for her to tell how high things were.

So my girl got glasses to try to correct the left eye. She will wear these for 5 weeks and go back to the doctor and see if there is some improvement. If not much than she will have to wear a patch on her right eye to get the other eye to start working. Brooklynn has the most beautiful eyes and hopefully she doesn't have to wear the patch, but I want her eyes to start working. Depending on how it goes she may not have to wear glasses forever. She still looks dang cute in them though.

Poor Berkie is already starting to get a head ache from them and so we are giving her an hour or two break a day for a week and see how things go. Along with Tylenol and Motrin. I love her pink/purple glasses and her gold Scooby Doo ones. What a babe!


Ashley said...

wow! You've got to trust that motherly intuition. I'm glad you were able to finally figure out what was wrong. She does have beautiful eyes!

Greg and Heather said...

she looks adorable in glasses! i'm glad that you figured everything out. i know how that feels when you know something's not right and the doctors can't figure it out.

Lindsay said...

Her new glasses are darling!!! She looks so dang cute!

Meghann said...

Kids with Down Syndrome have to wear eye patches often, so my friends post pictures of their kids with them on...I think it's so cute! I'm sure Brooklynn wouldn't enjoy it though. She's so grown up in those glasses!