Friday, September 23, 2011

Update in progress

I definately have some updates to put on the blog. Things have been busy and crazy.


I found out about 6 or so weeks ago I had Pnemonia. It was not fun. I did not get better and I went back to the doctor twice. After describing how I was feeling he said that I still had some of the residual pnemonia in my lungs, but wanted to test me for Mono. Guess what it was Positive. No wonder. After 11 surgeries, 2 D&C's and 2 babies, I have never felt so tired in my life. It is the most aweful feeling ever. I have good days and bad days, a few days ago I couldn't hardly even leave the couch. Ryan had to take Brooklynn to school and pick her up. But the last 3 days have been good. I just hope I am getting better finally, but he did tell me that it can last most commonly from 4-6 weeks, but even known to be active for years. And once you have Mono you always have it and it can come and go. My dad have active Mono for 10 years. So that is one excuse that I haven't blogged in awhile.

Here are a few more of my excuses...

Brooklynn started Kindergarten

McKenna is getting another tooth and has not been sleeping well so I am extra tired

We went to Disneyland (yay, it was super fun)

And I am just plain lazy and have found other stuff to do!

So wait and more posts to come. Here is a cute picture to tide you over!

1 comment:

Greg and Heather said...

Let me know what I can do to help!!! Cute pics!